See more details in weather section.Each review score is between 1 and 10. Its average value reaches 30☌.The warmest sea is in August,the average value is 26☌.The coldest month is January with air temperature 11☌ and water 15☌. The month with the highest temperature in Lacona-Capoliveri is August. What is the best time of the year to visit Lacona-Capoliveri? The nearest are Villa San Martino Residenza Napoleonica - Portoferraio (li) located in 3.6 km. There are 2 attractions near Lacona-Capoliveri that are popular with travelers. Are there any attractions nearby Lacona-Capoliveri? The approximate distance from parking is less than 100 metres. It is not very large, so in high season it can be busy. The Lacona-Capoliveri has a parking spot. How far is the Lacona-Capoliveri from parking? The most popular other types of accommodations nearby: Some of the best hotels in the area of Lacona-Capoliveri include: There are 831 places to stay in the Lacona-Capoliveri area. What is the closest accommodation to the Lacona-Capoliveri? There are 4 restaurants nearby.Mare Spiaggia Lacona is the closest place located 100 meters from the beach. The bar is located right on the Lacona-Capoliveri. Is there any food or beverages in the area of Lacona-Capoliveri? Lacona-Capoliveri can be a good place for the following groups of travelers: What are the key audiences of Lacona-Capoliveri? During the high season, the beach can get very crowded, making it an unsuitable place for those looking for a relaxing holiday. There are several buildings near the beach. Is the Lacona-Capoliveri secluded and good for relaxing? It's covered with sand and the entrance to the water is very smooth. The beach is completely occupied by a resort area with a paid entrance, which has all the infrastructure.

Yes, the Lacona-Capoliveri is good place for families with children. Is the Lacona-Capoliveri good for families? Lacona-Capoliveri is partially protected from waves. In the season the beach is attended by lifeguard. The prevalence of sharks in the area is low. The entrance to the water is very smooth, the bottom is comfortable. Is the Lacona-Capoliveri good for swimming? The Lacona-Capoliveri is also suitable for the following water activities: What are the key activities at Lacona-Capoliveri?įor sunbathing and relaxing, Lacona-Capoliveri has comfortable sun loungers, and there is no natural shade, so be careful on a hot day. Turquoise and clear water sparkles in the sun. It's very clean, the surface is pure and unmixed. The coastline of Lacona-Capoliveri is covered with golden sand. What is the water and sand quality of the Lacona-Capoliveri? Parking is located directly on the beach.ġ0 more beaches are also available within a 5 km radius. This beach is easily accessible, it is located very close to road. In addition to swimming and sunbathing, you can also take part in other activitiesįans of active recreation can take part in beach volleyball. During the season this beach line is supervised by a lifeguard Daily boat rental service is located nearby. There is also possible to take different water activities such as catamarans or jet skis. Their list includes, loungers and umbrellas, beach restaurant, changing rooms, showers, toilets. The beach facilities are only available to visitors of resort area.
It is partially crowded during the high season.ĭespite the fact that a significant part of the beach is occupied by resorts, there is still a fairly large area with free access. This beach is suitable for different categories of people, lonely travellers, relaxation getaway lovers The entrance to the water is very smooth.

It is a with crystal turquoise water and golden sand, so you don't need special shoes. The beach is located in an urban area, among the mountains. Lacona-Capoliveri is in the 13th place out of 166 beaches in the