attr ( 'node', shape = 'diamond', style = 'filled', color = 'lightgrey' ) e. Graph ( 'ER', filename = 'er.gv', engine = 'neato' ) e. subgraph ( name = 'cluster_1' ) as c : c.
#Graphviz dot example update
update ( style = 'filled', color = 'white' ) c.

attr ( style = 'filled', color = 'lightgrey' ) c.

subgraph ( name = 'cluster_0' ) as c : c. """""" from graphviz import Digraph g = Digraph ( 'G', filename = 'cluster.gv' ) # NOTE: the subgraph name needs to begin with 'cluster' (all lowercase) # so that Graphviz recognizes it as a special cluster subgraph with g.

attr ( 'node', shape = 'doublecircle' ) f. attr ( rankdir = 'LR', size = '8,5' ) f. Digraph ( 'finite_state_machine', filename = 'fsm.gv' ) f.